Birth of Technology
genus Homo has been
making tools for the last 2.5 million years. Neanderthals adopted the
Acheulean industry from their Homo Erectus forebears,
eventually inventing their own industry called Mousterian. When
humans and Neanderthals met we adopted their technology, and the late
Neanderthal toolkit is the same as early humans. Mousterian sites can
be either human or Neanderthal based on what fossils are found, and
some have no fossil record. The Neanderthal toolkit changed very
little over 100s of thousands of years, they suffered from serious
technological inertia. Even after adopting the Neanderthal industry,
early humans sites often show more variability in style. Why did
Neanderthal technology remain so stable? Possibly they weren't as
creative as early humans, reinforced by the small population size
which kept the rate of invention low. For now, let's examine what
they did invent.
A chart showing the overlap of hominins and tool industries |
A map showing the distribution of bi-facial tools during the Acheulean |
The distribution of Mousterian sites across Europe and Asia |
Mousterian tools are defined by the use of soft hammer
percussion. Neanderthals would use either bone, wood, or antler
hammers to make their stone tools. This led to a relatively simple
bone industry, in comparison to early human bone industry. What is
found in the record are lots of stone flakes, hand axes, and spears,
what is not found are wooden objects. Presumably Neanderthals, as
well as previous hominins created lots of complex wooden tools which
were not preserved.
Another chart showing the overlap of hominins and tool industries |
Hand Axe
mainstay of Neanderthal technology was the hand axe. They used hand
axes for butchering, digging, chopping wood, removing bark, throwing
at prey, or chipped them away to create flake tools. Neanderthal hand
axes are almost always symmetrical, which was certainly intended by
the designer. Why was this the case? Symmetry reduces the necessary
force when using the object as a cutting tool. Anna Machin and others
in a 2007 study demonstrated that symmetry in hand axes is only
useful when it is localized around the tip of the hand axe, the rest
of the object being symmetrical did not add more cutting power to the
tool. This is quite a strange fact, since most Neanderthal hand axes
are entirely symmetrical. Why would a Neanderthal make the whole
piece symmetrical?
is the perfection of the carving on some hand axes that they give the
impression that the artist took great pleasure in them...we are
unable to pronounce from this...whether it was art or the utility of
the hand axe that was being sought by making them so well. Although
in our heart of hearts we are sure that they were searching for
beauty, aesthetics, as they could have achieved the same efficiency
with cruder pieces.” -Benito
del Rey.
Lower Palaeolithic hand axe made ca 400 kya found at Hoxne, England,
probably made by Homo Erectus or Heidelbergensis. Strikingly
straight, symmetrical, and attractive, this hand axe is a wonderful
example of palaeolithic thought and design
or not Neanderthals made symmetrical hand axes for an aesthetic
purpose is debated, but Neanderthals did recognize symmetry in other
objects as well. The utilitarian function and aesthetic function of a
hand axe may have been tied together in a Neanderthal mind, with no
distinction between making a beautiful hand axe and an effective hand
A symmetrical Mousterian hand axe, this is the first scientific sketch of a hand axe, by John Frere in 1800 |
Not all hand axes were made equal. They come in all
types of stone, ranging in many different colors. Some included
fossils in their designs, either shells or sea urchins. The use of
color and the positioning of fossils in hand axes shows a serious
level of thought behind owning a hand axe. It was not only for strict
utilitarian purposes, but certain hand axes were more valuable than
others based on their aesthetic qualities. Special and rare rocks
(obsidian and possibly ones with fossils) were traded between
Neanderthal clans, up to distances of hundreds of miles. These passed
through multiple clans' territories, showing that they were not only
valued by a single member within a group, but valued within all
groups. This is evidence of a more general culture operating behind
the individual clans. Neanderthals shared a taste for these rare and
aesthetically interesting objects, and it is this mental culture
which united the disparate clans through trade.
A Neanderthal hand axe with a shell fossil from Norfolk England, made around 200 kya |
A hand axe with a sea urchin fossil, made by Homo Heidelbergensis around 400 kya |
An early Neanderthal (or Homo Erectus) flint scraper made from a sea urchin fossil, the fossil has been intentionally centered in respect to the design of the scraper |
A Mousterian jasper hand axe found at Fontmaure France. Natural opening in the rock were used as finger grips, made around 40-80 kya |
Acheulean hand axes in a variety of colors |
An Acheulean hand axe from Cys-la-Commune France. Made 127-115 kya, it has a different type of rock directly at its center on both sides. When held in the hand your thumb naturally rests on this center spot and your fingers naturally rest on the spot on the opposite side |
%2Bat%2Bcenter%2Band%2Btip%2C%2Bpossibly%2Bintentional.jpg) |
A different Acheulean hand axe from Cys-la-Commune France also made 127-115 kya. It has a red stain (not ochre) at the center and at the tip, it was intentionally flaked to have this design. When held in the hand, as with the previous hand axe, your fingers naturally rest on the center spot
One of the strangest artifacts comes not from
Neanderthals, but from their predecessors Homo Heidelbergensis.
Two large chert pieces of rock filled with coral fossils were
found associated with Acheulean hand axes at Swanscombe, England.
Either this piece of rock was carried around for some symbolic
purpose, or it would have been used as raw material for decorated
hand axes. It was found around 120 miles away from the only place in
Britain with such rock, showing that it was valued by Heidelbergensis
across the modern region of Kent. What does this piece signify, what
does it tell us about their internal life? If it was kept as a
manuport, then it must have had some symbolic context to a
Heidelbergensis. If it was used for hand axes, it shows their long
term planning capacity and also points to symbolic reasoning. Since
hand axes with fossils were also made by Neanderthals hundreds of
thousands of years later, it is possible that Neanderthals too shared
similar mental processes regarding these objects.
One of two pieces of chert containing coral fossils associated with hand axes found at Swanscombe. It is not known whether these pieces were carried around in their present shape (a manuport), or were considered to be precious raw material for future hand axes. The only coal-bearing chert site in Britain is 193 km (120 miles) away from Swanscombe, this piece of rock must have been traded between hominin groups. It was mined, traded, and used by Heidelbergensis |
The hand axe sculpture at Swanscombe Heritage Park, created in 2005. Humans today continue to create hand axes, albeit for quite different reasons |
Neanderthals, like humans, built unique cultural
variants into their technology. Hand axes were not excluded.
Neanderthals in France and England, and Neanderthals in Germany had
separate cultural traditions related to hand axes. The western
tradition made symmetrical triangular heart shaped hand axes, and the
eastern tradition made asymmetrically shaped bi-facial hand axes.
These two traditions lasted from 115-35 kya. The lowlands and
northern France were a cultural melting pot, a mixture of these two
traditions where new unique traditions were born.
ways of making a hand axe were passed on from generation to
generation and for long enough to become visible in the archeological
record. This indicates a strong mechanism of social learning within
these two groups and says something about the stability and
connectivity of the Neanderthal populations...making stone tools were
not merely an opportunistic task. A lot of time, effort, and
tradition were invested and these tools carry a certain amount of
socio-cultural information, which does not contribute directly to
their function.” -Karen
A map of the two Neanderthal hand axe traditions. The MTA is the western tradition, KMG is the eastern, and MBT is a mixture of the two |
Knives, and Spears
Neanderthals also made racloirs (French for scraper), a
thin flint flake used for scraping hides or bark. It may have also
been used more like a knife. Neanderthals also made points, which
were specifically hafted to a spear or dart. These were stuck onto
sticks using bitumen and some kind of lashing to create a spear.
Neanderthals heated birch sap to use as an adhesive. The method of
obtaining pitch they used is called dry distillation. Neanderthals
would have used something bowl shaped (maybe an animal skull) to
catch the pitch, and placed a small rock in the bowl for the pitch to
harden onto. Then they would cover this with rolls of birch bark,
then cover it all with ash. After that, Neanderthals would put straw
or another combustible material over the ash pile and light it. The
bark needs to achieve a temperature of 400 degrees centigrade (752
degrees Fahrenheit), any less and the pitch won't condense, any more
and the birch bark will burn. Modern recreations have failed at this
process, after 8 hours of burning one would only gather a small
amount of pitch. Somehow Neanderthals scaled up this process to
create the necessary amount of pitch for multiple weapons. They had
certainly mastered this process, to the point that today we cannot
even recreate it correctly. This was the first industrial process,
and requires a large amount of knowledge and intelligence. Learning
and mastering such a complex process would require trial and error
over the course of many generations. Teaching such a process to
adults or children would require complex theoretical language.
A bone lissoir, or animal hide scraper. Found in France, made around 45-51 kya by Neanderthals |
Mousterian Neanderthal spear heads. Such spear points have been found in Germany, illustration by Libor Balak |
is a simpler way to attach a stone point to a spear, but did not go
down that path. They invented a difficult yet effective industrial
process to achieve what their ancestors had been doing only
haphazardly...the same holds true for their stone crafting skills
(called knapping). Neanderthals invented a method called the
Levallois technique. The idea is to create stone flakes, but this
cannot be done from any old rock. First, you must turn your lumpy
rock into a semi-uniform oval-like shape called a core.
This process requires short and
neat blows, always keeping the end result in mind, “There
seems to be a goal involved.” -Metin
Eren. Once you have an oval shaped core, you chip away the edges to
create a gentle convexity,
this means that when you do create a flake it will be sharp on all
its edges. Once you have a core with gentle convexity, you must make
a final and perfect strike
to break off a flake. This last coup de grace must be at a particular
angle to create a flake, too high and you chip off bits, too low and
you crack the core and lose all your work. This is a very delicate
process and extremely difficult to master, “It took me 18
months to master the Levallois technique, and that's after I had been
flint knapping for a number of years.” -Metin
Eren. Once you have your perfect flake, you must reshape the core and
start all over again. It is remarkable that Neanderthals would
discover and master such a difficult technique.
A diagram of how to prepare a core and remove a flake using the Levallois technique |
A reconstruction of a Neanderthal knapping |
example of Neanderthal craftsmanship is at Marjorie's Cave, in the
Netherlands. At this cave, researchers were able to piece together a
core made up of 38 individual flakes, triple the number of any other
core reconstructions. The knapper began by preparing the core,
trimming off small flakes from the sides which were not preserved at
the site. The knapper then trimmed off the top and bottom to create
the distinctive tortoise shaped core. The knapper then found an area
with distal convexity (a convex horizontal slope) at the top of the
core and struck off a large flake. Even with a final product the
knapper was not finished. The Neanderthal then rotated the core 90
degrees, and found a new spot with distal convexity for the next
strike (the newly found distal convexity made up the lateral
convexity before rotation). The knapper reshaped the core by taking
off three smaller flakes, spotted the distal convexity, and again
made a final strike. The knapper did this strike-rotate-strike
pattern a total of 7 times
before using the entirety of the core. Not only was the knapper an
expert at resource management, but every flake made from
this core is the same size. This
craftsman was not some lumbering brute, but an
expert. What is going
on in the mind of such a craftsman? Processes which were considered
distinctly human, such as long term goal oriented thought, and a
fluid exchange between mental awareness and physical muscle memory.
the action was divided into discrete phases...second, each phase was
guided by a distinct perceptual cue, the distal convexity...third the
knapper responded to changing conditions of the core, adjusting
technique to maximize Levallois flake size and maintain core
productivity. Fourth, there was an overarching hierarchy to the
entire task, with an overall goal (Levallois flakes), subroutines
(the phases), and sub-subroutines (identify distal convexity,
configure lateral convexity, prepare platform, strike off Levallois
flake). This was not ad hoc flaking or a rote sequence. It was a
flexible strategy...finally the knapper followed at least one rule:
rotate the core 90 degrees before examining for a new distal
convexity.” -Thomas Wynn,
Frederick Collidge.
%2Band%2BCollidge%2B(right).jpg) |
Thomas Wynn (left), and Frederick Collidge (right) |
did not only master stone, but had advanced wooden tools as well.
While wooden objects are rarely found, Mousterian tools have been
found on Greek islands suggesting that Neanderthals arrived there via
(dugout) canoes around 110 kya. Other Neanderthal tools found on
Crete have been dated to around 170 kya, although they could be from
Homo Erectus (which
only intensifies the significance of the findings). It is known that
Homo Floresiensis traveled
to the Indonesian island of Flores around 1 million years ago, most
likely in a dugout canoe. In Schoningen Germany researchers found 8
wooden throwing spears in a coal mine. These have been dated to
around 380-400 kya and were probably made by Homo
Heidelbergensis. This is the
first evidence of big game hunting. These throwing spears have been
designed to have a center of gravity in the front third of the shaft,
similar to professional javelins today. If Heidelbergensis was using
wooden throwing spears hundreds of thousands of years before
Neanderthals, it is likely that Neanderthals had inherited this
technology. A Mousterian point has also been found lodged in an
animal vertebra delivered with a parabolic trajectory, lending more
weight to Neanderthal javelin use. Other finds at Schoningen were a
charred wooden skewer, a wooden throwing stick (boomerang), and most
importantly sticks incised at one end which may have been mounts for
stone blades. If this is the case, these are the first composite
weapons (a hatchet) that our genus made. Since almost all wooden
tools degrade, it is not too far fetched to think that the later
Neanderthals and humans kept using these pieces of technology which
became invisible to the archaeological record. If that is the case,
then Neanderthals had composite one handed weapons. One single cache
of wooden weapons and the entire history of technology is rewritten,
Homo Heidelbergensis were
the master craftsmen of their era. What else is out there waiting to
be discovered?
One of the Schoningen Throwing Spears |
An artist's depiction of a flint Mousterian hatchet |
A comparison between Homo Sapiens and Homo Floresiensis. A 2014 study by Robert Eckhardt and others concluded that Homo Floresiensis was in fact a human with down syndrome, and not a distinct species. Kudos to the random person's shirt |
While it is known that Homo Habilis picked food
out of its teeth starting between 1.9-1.6 million years ago, it is
not known when the toothpick was invented. A recent discovery of a
Neanderthal tooth has revealed that this individual had an oral
disease which created painful inflammation. This tooth also included
grooves which were most likely made by a toothpick. “This
individual attempted to alleviate the discomfort caused by
periodontal disease. This disease usually causes bloody and inflamed
gums, so the systematic use of toothpicks could mitigate sore gums.”
-Marina Lozano. While the toothpick seems like a minor invention,
it is the first evidence of the adaption of technology to dental
and Shelter
Neanderthals, like humans, shared a desire to remove
themselves from inclement weather. At Molodova Ukraine, Neanderthals
created a large mammoth bone structure around 44 kya. This circular
structure was up to 26 feet across at its widest point, and included
116 bones including mammoth skulls, jaws, leg bones, and 14 tusks.
Some bones were decorated with carvings and ochre. Inside were 25
hearths showing that it was occupied over a long course of time. This
structure could fit a large family, maybe multiple families. “This
mammoth bone structure could be described as the basement of a wooden
cover or as a windscreen...Neanderthals purposely chose large bones
of the largest available mammal, the woolly mammoth, to build a
structure...The mammoth bones have been deliberately selected –
long and flat bones, tusks, and connected vertebrae – and were
circularly arranged.” -Laetitia Demay. Even when Neanderthals
chose to live in caves, they generally selected caves with
south-facing openings for maximal sunlight. At Bruniquel Cave in
France around 47.6 kya Neanderthals left artifacts hundreds of feet
deep within the cave, as well as leaving smoke residue high on walls
(suggesting that they used torches to guide their way).
Paleolithic clothing and tools, by Emmanuel Roudier |
Neanderthals were not the only members of our genus to
build structures. At Terra Amata in France, Homo Heidelbergensis
around 400-200 kya built structures up to 49 feet long which
would fit multiple families. The evidence of this building and its
size are primarily from post holes, and of course any extrapolations
from such evidence are disputed. Another even older site, discovered
near Tokyo Japan, includes 10 post holes in the shape of 2 pentagons.
This possibly indicates two separate huts. The post holes on the
southern side were slightly wider, suggesting this was the entrance.
These huts were even older than the structure at Terra Amata, these
huts were made by Homo Erectus around 500 kya.
A drawing of the structure at Terra Amata, made by Homo Heidelbergensis around 400-200 kya |
An artist's impression of the structure at Terra Amata |
A drawing of one of the structures near Tokyo Japan, made by Homo Erectus around 500 kya |
Neanderthals, like humans, also shared a desire to cloth
themselves. From a study by Nathan Wales, Neanderthals covered most
of their bodies (up to 80%) when living in cold environments, less so
during warmer periods. Neanderthals would have worn gloves and shoes,
but only wore hats during the coldest periods. Neanderthals wore furs
or animal skins, either tied or draped over the body. Whether they
had tight fitting or tailored clothing is highly debated. Due to
rapid heat loss, some researchers have suggested that Neanderthals
would not have survived in the environments they did without close
fitting clothing. A scraper made in Germany around 100 kya by
Neanderthals had organic material soaked in tannin on it. This
substance is found in oak bark and is used to make leather. If
Neanderthals did make fitted clothing, they did not have the bone
needles, but would use microliths or wooden tools to poke holes in
leather for threading. Stone awls have been found, lending weight to
this hypothesis. A Neanderthal at La Ferrassie has severe wear on its
teeth, mirroring the wear on the teeth of older Inuit women of the
19th and early 20th century. Inuit women of
this time period spent a lifetime chewing leather boots every morning
to soften them, it is possible Neanderthals used the same technique.
The emergence of clothing may also be tied to the evolution of
clothing-specific body lice, which adapted to humans around 170
A Neanderthal stone awl |
An artist's rendition of a Neanderthal wearing warm semi-fitted clothing and a necklace |
A reconstruction of a Neanderthal wearing warm clothing, using a bone as a clasp |
A striking reconstruction of a Neanderthal wearing an animal pelt head covering. "Neanderthal Female Reconstruction" by Viktor Deak |
Mousterian Neanderthals wearing different types of winter hats, by Libor Balak |
A reconstruction of a Neanderthal woman in woven grass and animal pelt clothing |
and Coal
Neanderthals not only built fires, but they used coal as
well. At Les Canalettes France around 73.5 kya, Neanderthals
exploited a local outcropping of coal, burning it with wood. This
added to the duration of the burn and allowed easier rekindling at a
later point. Wood and coal fires used 4x less wood than solely wooden
fires, exhibiting clear knowledge of this material's combustible
properties. Neanderthals probably struck flint and iron pyrite to
create sparks, and would have conserved fire and transported it
between sites. While the evidence of coal use is only at one site,
the distribution of coal during this period suggests that coal use
may have been widespread. In fact, the use of fire began before
Neanderthals. The invention has been pinned down to around 400 kya by
Homo Heidelbergensis. “Many scientists have thought Neanderthals
had some fires but did not have continuous use of fire...we were not
expecting to find a record of so many Neanderthal sites exhibiting
such good evidence of the sustained use of fire over time.” -Paola
Villa. The lack of fire before 400 kya did not stop early hominins
from penetrating into the cold dark reaches of Europe. Homo
Erectus was able to make camps in frozen ice age England around
800 kya, without fire or well fitting clothes. How they
survived such brutal conditions, we do not know but, “This
confirms a suspicion we had that went against the opinions of most
scientists, who believed it was impossible for humans to penetrate
into cold, temperate regions without fire.” -Paola Villa.
Homo Erectus, the paleo-arctic explorer. A reconstruction by paleoartist John Gurche |
John Gurche working on one of his models |
Final Burst of Brilliance
While the vast majority of Neanderthal sites are either
Acheulean or Mousterian, a third more complex culture called
Chatelperronian is also associated with Neanderthals. It is
understood that both Neanderthals and humans were using
Chatelperronian between 45-40 kya. Chatelperronian continues the
Levallois technique for stonework but is more complex than Mousterian
in practically every way. Bone and ivory began to be used, with bone
awls replacing Mousterian stone ones, and foot long ivory spear
points have been found. The most significant difference is the
adoption of strictly symbolic items: necklaces of intentionally
pierced fox and marmot teeth, and rings and pendants made of ivory.
Neanderthal and human Chatelperronian stretched across southern
France and northern Spain, it was not some behavioral hiccup within a
few clans. This complicates the story of late Neanderthal behavior,
How did they know to make such items? Was this capacity for
intellectual progress simply hiding within the Neanderthal mind,
brought out by some extra-ordinary thought or human cultural
influence? Or had Neanderthal culture been slowly building to this
point following their unique path of symbolic and cultural
Chatelperronian Neanderthal bone and stone pendants, from Grotte du Renne |
The most obvious explanation for Chatelperronian
complexity is that humans taught them. Recent evidence from a 2012
paper by Jean-Jacques Hublin at the Max Planck Institute for
Evolutionary Anthropology, and a 2014 paper by Tom Higham at Oxford
have shed interesting clues on the timing of this period. From J. J.
Hublin, a Chatelperronian Neanderthal at Saint-Cesaire lived around
41.5 kya, with the Chatelperronian Neanderthal period at Grotte du
Renne lasting from 44.5-41 kya. When Neanderthals began to use this
culture around 45 kya, humans had only begun to spread across Europe.
At that time, we were by the mouth of the Danube river and in Greece,
possibly also in southern Italy. We were still hundreds of miles away
from the Chatelperronians in southern France and northern Spain. This
adds weight to the idea that Neanderthals independently invented this
culture. Adding to this evidence is work by Fransesco d'Errico who
laid out a novel method of determining human authorship in a 2013
speech at the ESHE (European Society for Human Evolution). Due to his
team's research at the University of Bordeaux, they found a
noticeable difference between Neanderthal Chatelperronian and human
Chatelperronian. This difference is in the sequence of steps in its
production, both humans and Neanderthals were making the same tools
yet with different production processes. If this is the case, then
Neanderthals were probably not copying their human instructors, but
had invented a new method to make such items.
If Neanderthals created Chatelperronian at around 45 kya
then the later human populations who used it must have picked it up
from them. This is an astounding example of behavioral flexibility on
both our parts, their unique act of invention and our ability to
learn. This is strong evidence that Neanderthals had the same mental
and behavioral complexity as Anatomically Modern Humans. “The
evidence for cognitive inferiority is simply not there.” -Paola
A Chatelperronian Neanderthal bone necklace from Grotte du Renne Cave, France |
While Neanderthal technology halted with their
extinction, the tools and hand axes they used stayed put in the
earth. Tens of thousands of years later, humans would find these
unknown objects across the world. Not quite sure what they were, hand
axes and flint arrowheads acquired supernatural properties, they were
called Thunderstones. In the classical era, Romans would sew
thunderstones with bits of coral into dog collars as a remedy against
canine insanity. In Sweden they offer protection against elves
and in Britain protection against both elves and fairies. In
Scandinavia in general they were worshiped as family gods to ward
away spells and witchcraft. As an offering beer was poured over them,
and they were sometimes anointed with butter. In Switzerland hand
axes were tied to a sling, whirled three times, and flung at your
front door. This was to prevent lightning strikes. In Italy
thunderstones were hung around children's necks which protected
against illness and the evil eye. In the French Alps they protect
sheep, and in France in general were thought to ease childbirth. In
the late 1600s a French ambassador gave a hand axe to the
Prince-Bishop of Verdun as a magical healing amulet, it is still in
the museum of Nancy today. In Britain they were called elf-shot,
since they were shot by fairies to bewitch people. This phenomenon
does not stop at the western world, in Burma thunderstones are used
to ward off appendicitis and in Japan they are used to cure boils and
In addition to Europe and Asia, the idea that such
objects represented supernatural power was also found in the
Americas. The Pawnee have an origin myth that they were given stone
tools and weapons by the Morning Star. The K'iche' of Guatemala have
a myth that a piece of flint fell from the sky and broke into 1600
pieces, each which became a god. As Europe expanded into the new
world, its myths followed suit. In North Carolina and Alabama there
was a tradition that if thunderstones were put in a fire they would
protect your chickens from hawks. In Brazil they were used as a
divining stone in order to locate gold, treasure, or water. These
ideas most likely stem from the European myth that thunderstones
protected domestic animals.
This myth began to fall apart even by the late 1500s.
Michael Mercati thought that thunderstones were weapons of early
races of men. In 1723 Antoine Laurent de Jussieu addressed the French
academy with a paper entitled The Origin and Uses of
Thunder-Stones which showed that travelers from around the world
had brought stone weapons back to France, and they were the same as
native thunderstones. The next year in 1724 Joseph-Francois Lafitau
published a book showing a similarity between aboriginal customs and
early Europeans. By 1800, John Frere published an article which
included the first published picture of a hand axe. The
demystification continued throughout the 19th century,
with Charles Lyell's 1863 Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of
Man resolving the dispute.