are personal designs carved into a small amulet style object, when
stamped into clay it in effect leaves your signature. This manner of
“sealing” an object was used to “lock” doors and chests,
telling you (albeit afterward) if your privacy had been violated. The
most influential use of seals were on clay documents. Most of the
scenes on seals are religious or mythological, which may have added
the power of superstition to its effect of locking an object. Seals
were worn on a string or on a leather thong around the neck or wrist.
Seals were most likely worn by the nobility first, and it is debated
how far down the social ladder they went, but by the MM period most
if not all craftsmen and nobles would have had one, if not multiple
The “locked” seal of the necropolis on the door of Pharaoh Tutankhamun's fifth shrine, built around 1,323 BCE |
earliest use of seals in the region was in Mesopotamia in the 6th
millennium BCE by the Halaf culture, these people likely invented the
stamp seal, although originally it was only used as aesthetic
adornment. It took thousands of years for the technology to spread,
but by 2,500 BCE in the town of Lerna, Greece, you find many seals
with elaborate unique designs. These seals are found on tiles at the
straightforwardly named “House of the Tiles”. The purpose of the
seals and their tiles is unknown, but the findings show that by the
EM period the commonality of seals and their masterful artisans had
spread and proliferated across Greece (and most likely Crete). At
Myrtos a seal was found with an “angle-filled cross” design,
which was popular in Anatolia. By the EM period specific sealing
designs had become a part of the larger fashion world, with popular
styles traveling from Anatolia throughout the Aegean with traders.
Seal impressions found on tiles at the House of the Tiles in Lerna, Greece. 2,500-2,300 BCE |
period seals on Crete were not as elaborate as at Lerna but were
still complex. EM seals vary in shape and design, mostly being
pyramids, cones, or cylinders. EM seals were usually made of bone,
ivory, or softer stones. The prevailing fashion was the stamp seal,
as opposed to a rolling design. In contrast to the prevailing Syrian
and Mesopotamian fashion, Cretan cylindrical seals had the sealing on
either end and were used as a stamp. Contemporaneous near eastern
seals have their design on the rolling section, allowing the user to
roll out its design. EM period seal designs were usually simple,
mostly crosses and hatching. The most elaborate of this period use
early hieroglyphs or complex geometric spirals. Seals during this
period were made at the village level, and while it is possible that
each family made their own it seems more likely that even by this
period specialized artisans were operating at a local scale. EM seals
are found scattered in workshops or in houses, do not follow general
patterns and almost never repeat.
A seal with extremely early Cretan hieroglyphs, from Mallia on Crete, made around 2,500 BCE. Note the bow and arrow |
A Minoan ivory cone seal with a spiral design, 2,300-2,000 BCE |
Various designs on Cretan hieroglyphic seals |
the urban temple elite begin to use seals through the MM period, they
become structured around the management of goods. They are found
clustered in central buildings, follow definite patterns, and often
repeat themselves. Their use within all classes of society changed
with the MM period. When used by the elite they are commonly found on
scribal tablets or as door/chest locks. When used by businessmen,
multiple individuals begin to seal their signature on the same
document. In the early MM period wealthy Minoans imported eastern
seals, but eventually nobles on the island began to only use Cretan
made seals. “A common glyptic tradition evolves that seems to
run in tandem with the growth of settlements like Knossos, Malia, and
Phaistos.” -Judith Weingarten.
Throughout the MM period seal artisans on Crete converged on
the button shape. This quickly became a lens shape, with the seal
print being done on one or both sides. Seals during this period
stylistically explode, as urban seal carvers spread their wares and
fame to more people, and competition creates a design arms race.
Elaborate seals are associated with the tombs of the elite, and by
the MM period the two go hand in hand. The destructive earthquake
around 1,700 BCE entombed evidence of common seal use throughout
temples, at Phaistos 327 different seals were found, 22% of which
were non-geometric (showing plants, animals, or people). Most were
soft stone, some hard stone, and five were metal rings.
Five Minoan lens or almond shaped seals |
A button shaped seal with Cretan hieroglyphics, from Mirabello Crete, 1,600-1,550 BCE |
the MM and LM period seal carvers experimented with multiple shapes
and types of rock, depending on the patron's aesthetic or their
personal creativity. Seals were designed as: buttons, lenses,
cylinders, cones, prisms, stamps, crescents, animals, and birds.
Seals were made out of: bone, ivory, steatite, banded agate, orange
carnelian, hematite, jasper, chalcedony, lapis lazuli, rock crystal,
amethyst, and obsidian. Imported hippopotamus and elephant ivory were
used, showing a connection between the urban seal carver and the
seafaring international trader. In fact, many designs from the early
EM period show Egyptian influence, such as mimicking Egyptian burnt
steatite or the inclusion of lions (a popular Egyptian sealing).
A seal in the shape of a fly, from Arkhanes Crete |
An ivory stamp seal in the shape of a seated ape, from Platanos Crete |
A typical cylindrical seal with Linear A |
A green jasper seal with Cretan hieroglyphs, made around 1,800 BCE |
1,600 BCE and onward the wealthy procured gold and silver seals
delicately carved onto rings or necklaces. These expertly crafted
scenes give us many depictions of silent myths and rituals. In the
destruction layer of the temple of Phaistos, only 5/327 seals were
metal rings (0.015%). NT period metal rings uniquely show groups of
people, in contrast to the average seal of the period which usually
showed animals. Metal ring seals show a diversity of scenes, such as:
hunting, fighting, chariots, and bull leaping. The most common
sealing at LMIB Zakro, which was used by its temple leadership,
actually included at least two very similar rings which showed the
same cultic procession. This is an example of replica rings, which
were similar sealings used by multiple people to enforce some aspect
of authority. Most likely replica rings were used by people with the
same duties or rank, imprinting their similar authority into
documents. Replica rings are found throughout all the main LMIB
sealing deposits.
The famous Ring of Minos, a gold seal ring, 1,500-1,400 BCE |
A gold ring showing a bull leaping scene, with its requisite sealing |
A Minoan seal with gold plating showing dolphins, 1,800-1,700 BCE |
A Minoan seal showing a dog or lion in front of a person |
of these elaborate scenes are extremely small and detailed. Seal
carvers were masters at working at such a scale, and their shops
included many tools to help them achieve such perfection. Seals were
cut with a cutting wheel and a tubular drill. Bronze gravers were
used to carve fine detail into pieces. Most spectacularly magnifying
lenses were found in a tomb at Knossos, and were most likely
connected to a table with a bronze clamp. By 1,800-1,700 BCE Minoan
seal carvers adopted the near eastern horizontal bow lathe. This
allowed seal carvers to easily manipulate harder stone for the first
time. Once the benefits of this new technology became known, everyone
had to use it to compete. By this period bone and ivory seals drop
out of circulation, as most artisans only create hard stone seals.
The use of the bow drill allowed novel shapes as well, such as the
handled signet and multiple sided prisms.
A drawing of an Egyptian craftsman using a horizontal bow drill |
A modern impression of the Parading Animals seal, made of ivory and found in Tholos tomb A, Platanos, Crete. The outer layer is made up of larger animals, possibly lions, and the inner layer is made up of spiders |
A fourteen sided hieroglyphic seal from Arkhanes, Crete |
A complex and detailed scene from a sealing, drawn by Nanno Marinatos, 2010 |
A detailed head and helmet from a seal from Cyprus (an offshoot of Mycenaean culture), made around 1,200 BCE |
objects today fulfill the same purposes as seals in bronze age
Eurasia. They functioned as your personal signature, an identity tag,
elaborate jewelry, or a magical amulet. The style and wealth of your
seal immediately showed others your status in society. A person could
know if their house had been broken into, or if a container had been
opened. People could put their name onto documents, allowing for
mutual contracts. Since multiple people could sign their names onto
documents people could effectively and easily share responsibility.
Long term agreements were no longer simply spoken word deals, and
this transformation in business subsequently created a transformation
in personal wealth.
A lens shaped sealstone with the head of a bearded priest, from the LM I period at Knossos |
reputation became associated with your seal, and a well connected
merchant could borrow objects in advance from trusted contacts.
Effectively someone could use your seal as a line of credit. Anyone
who had goods to sell would be helped by having a seal, anyone who
needed to make long lasting agreement needed a seal. Seals allowed
agreements to be treated as legally binding documents, allowing
either partner to proof in a court. Most importantly, the increase in
long term contracts and wealth compelled temple rulers to hire dozens
of scribes to carefully record all of their taxes and possessions.
Impression from a cylindrical seal showing two acrobats and flowers, found near Knossos |
the NT period seals are found not only clustered at temples but also
at rural villas and farmhouses. These local outgrowths of power
functioned as regional centers of authority, and while this rural
authority did not include scribal documents, it did included much
sealing. The elaborate designs of this period often set animals and
humans into landscapes, evoking the well-known beauty of palatial
frescoes. Most designs of this period were simplified into cushion
seals, lens seals, and amygdaloid seals. NT seals show animals much
more often than humans (85% to 15% of seals), but metal ring seals
are the opposite mostly showing groups of people.
A drawing from a seal of a horse standing in front of a ship, Knossos made around 1,200 BCE, sourced from Andrea Salimbeti |
the final fire at Knossos around 1,380 BCE the tradition of high
quality Minoan seal carving began to die out on Crete. This is not to
say that seal carving itself died out, in fact there is some amount
of artisanal continuity between the Minoan era and the era of
Mycenaean cultural domination. New styles and materials were imported
with Mycenaean culture, such as using lapis lacedaemonius and near
eastern black hematite. New styles also emerged such as
reverse-facing animal pairs, and most interestingly Mycenaean
influence births the earliest images of the minotaur. While nobles
and businessmen still paid highly skilled artisans for beautiful
seals, the expert and unique Minoan craftsmanship declined and on
average most seals became simpler. More basic patterns became
repeated without variation, lacking style or creativity, with
specific scenes becoming set and sterile. Figures become rigid and
less emotive, and eventually by 1,000 BCE both Minoan and Mycenaean
culture had died out, bringing an end to their separate and unique
sealing traditions.
seals never actually stopped, in fact even wearing Minoan seals never
died out. Rural people would find “milk-stones” and wear them as
necklaces. This practice was so common in the modern era that
milk-stones had become a part of local superstitions. They held
magical power and helped a mother's breast milk. Shepherds and
farmers uncovered Minoan seals at random specifically on Kephala hill
by Knossos. When Arthur Evans first went to Crete in 1894 he went to
Knossos and became enamored with milk-stones, he eventually started
collecting them. It was not until his excavation in 1900 that people
came to realize these amulets were in fact Minoan seals.
Some day soon all these secrets will be revealed and Atlantis will live again. Forbearing.
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